


二维码 章工恒立





文章作者:章工恒立 发布时间:2022-09-06 16:39:02 浏览次数:0





风量是=占地面积乘以每秒风量乘以3600  风量=横截面*风速*3600。

脉冲布袋子除尘器的除灰能力如何计算?脉冲布袋子除尘器 的除灰能力如何计算?重要方面是除尘器的选择,脉冲布袋子除尘器针对不一样的厂矿企业而方案设计出不一样风量的脉冲布袋子除尘器,每一除尘器经常出现本身的除灰能力,如:总过滤面  脉冲布袋子除尘器的除灰能力如何计算?


以DMC单机布袋子除尘器为例子: DMC型脉冲布袋子除尘器有六个型号规格,每一个型号规格又可分为标准带灰单斗B型和打开对夹止回阀(无料仓)A型二种。其结构重要由过滤室、除尘器布袋子、净制动系统制动气室、料斗、卸灰阀、脉冲煤气发生炉机器设备、电控柜等组成,罩壳全部采用电弧焊接电焊焊接结构,检修门用塑料泡沫密封胶条密闭性,保证 除尘器严密不通风。这类是DMC型脉冲布袋子除尘器基本配置。

Many pot friends will ask about the treatment capacity of waste gas treatment equipment? Today, Xiaobian will tell you how to calculate the treatment capacity of exhaust gas treatment equipment. The processing power of mechanical equipment is related to the specifications of your air volume of industrial waste gas < p > air volume is = floor area times air volume per second times 3600 air volume = cross section * wind speed * 3600 < p > how to calculate the ash removal capacity of the pulse bag filter? How to calculate the ash removal capacity of the pulse bag dust collector? The important aspect is the selection of dust collectors. Pulse bag type dust collectors are designed for different factories and mines. Each dust collector often has its own ash removal capacity. For example, how to calculate the ash removal capacity of the pulse bag type dust collector on the total filter surface < p > an important aspect of the introduction of waste gas treatment equipment manufacturers is the selection of dust collectors. Pulse bag type dust collectors are designed for different factories and mines. Each dust collector often has its own ash removal capacity. The introduction of waste gas treatment includes: the total filtering area (square meters), the filtering air speed (M / min), the processing air volume (cubic meters / h), and the number of dust collector bags (pieces), Gas supply (m3 / min), concentration value of safety channel (g / m3 n), concentration value of inlet and outlet (mg / m3 n), pressure of gas generator (MPA), working pressure of gas (PA), friction resistance of mechanical equipment (PA), model specification / quantity of pulse valve (PCS), model power of motor, etc. are often marked < p > take the DMC single machine bag type dust collector as an example: the DMC pulse bag type dust collector has six models and specifications, and each model and specification can be divided into two types: standard single hopper with ash type B and open wafer check valve type A. Its structure is mainly composed of filter chamber, dust collector bag, brake air chamber of net braking system, hopper, ash discharge valve, machinery and equipment of pulse gas generator, electric control cabinet, etc. the shell adopts arc welding and electric welding structure, and the access door uses plastic foam sealant strip to ensure the airtightness of the dust collector. This is the basic configuration of DMC pulse bag type dust collector


