


二维码 章工恒立





文章作者:章工恒立 发布时间:2022-09-06 16:38:01 浏览次数:0




在环境污染情况严重,一些工业生产比较繁荣的大都市雾霾污染经常看得到 ,它是因为废气、污水、臭味等的造成导致,因此 环境治理难题必须大伙儿高度重视起來。废气治理设备的应用很好解决了废气空气污染这一状况,在企业运用废气治理设备的另外,平时的检查工作上更务必提上日程,实际怎样进行呢?






废气治理设备要进行定期检查,定期检查是为了更好地能够更好地保证 第二年一年之内无事故地安全系数运行。一切正常生产加工一年以后,为了更好地能够更好地降低定期检查的停车時间,在检查工作员和检修员工数量准许的情况下,尽量与水店别的设备设备的检查另外进行。检查时如发现有发现异常,一定要妥善处置,并给予解决。

Haze pollution can often be seen in some metropolises where environmental pollution is serious and industrial production is relatively prosperous. It is caused by exhaust gas, sewage and stench. Therefore, we must attach great importance to the problem of environmental governance. The application of waste gas treatment equipment has solved the problem of waste gas and air pollution. In addition, when enterprises use waste gas treatment equipment, the usual inspection work must be put on the agenda. How to carry out it in practice < p > 1. Check the pH concentration value of the self spray of the waste gas treatment equipment on time. When the pH value is 7-7.5, it indicates that the cleaning professional ability of the scrubber is very good. When the pH value is 7.5, it indicates that the sodium hydroxide solution in the scrubber has been sufficient to melt the acid gas in the new waste gas. At this time, record the inspection time and the pH value of the self spray of the tower < p > 2. Working pressure damage < p > III. check whether the centrifugal fan and the centrifugal water pump of the spray system of the exhaust gas treatment equipment manufacturer operate in an appropriate direction and whether the total electric flow of the motor is favorable. Only when everything is normal can it operate for a long time < p > IV. regularly check whether the shell of the waste gas treatment equipment is cracked. Once found, immediately report to the responsible person to solve the waterproof leakage or dismantle it < p > v. the special tools and dirt in the equipment shall be removed immediately after installation. In addition, the centrifugal impeller shall be rotated to check whether there is impact at each position of the centrifugal impeller. If there is any abnormal condition, it shall be recovered immediately < p > the waste gas treatment equipment shall be subject to regular inspection. The purpose of regular inspection is to better ensure the safety factor operation without accidents within the next year. After one year of normal production and processing, in order to better reduce the parking time for regular inspection, the inspection of other equipment and equipment in the water shop shall be conducted separately as far as possible when the number of inspectors and maintenance staff permits. If any abnormality is found during the inspection, it must be properly handled and solved


